Enrolments are now referred to as Enrolment Notices and under the Notice there are two types. 200A – creating an enrolment notice and 200D – updating an existing enrolment. Within the enrolment notice there is an enrolment arrangement. There are four different enrolment arrangements: Complying Written Arrangement (CWA), Relevant Arrangement (RA), Arrangement with Organisation (OA) and Child Wellbeing Provider Eligible (ACCS).
Below is a brief table showing enrolment types in the old and new systems:
When you create enrolments under CCS, you will have some additional fields that will be required. Please see table below:
To assist with submitting the new fields, the enrolment interface will have a few changes. The sessions will prepopulate from the booking by selecting a new button ‘Load Booking’. This will also calculate the fees per session automatically for you. However, if they are a casual booking you have to enter the details of the sessions and the fees manually. The educator tab will have a list of active educators. You will need to select the educator the child is booked in with and the address details will prefill. If a different address is being used for care, you will be able to update this.
These details will then show on the family’s Mygov account for the parent to confirm, reject or dispute. These details will then feedback into Harmony Web so the service can see the outcome. We will also display it on the educator’s dashboard so they are aware of the eligibility of the family.
We recommend that your service encourages families to obtain a MyGov account if they do not already have one as this will assist in the enrolment authorisation process.
Your service can direct families to the below link to prepare them for the upcoming changes:
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